36 Poems

I opened the letter read it & made a note of its contents
My brother you will be pleased to hear is now in perfect health

The next ten or twelve pages are filled with a curious set of entries
The best way to see a country unless you are pressed for time is to travel on foot

In 1769 when Napoleon was born Corsica had but recently been acquired by France
Coleridge wrote The Rime of the Ancient Mariner a few miles from Bridgewater
Stevenson's romances are entertaining & full of exciting adventure

The audience was at first indifferent later it became more & more interested
Unaware that we had learned of this treachery we greeted it with a smile

The situation is perilous but there is still one chance of escape
As the early records of the city have disappeared
The story of its first years can no longer be reconstructed

It is nearly half past five
So I probably can’t reach town before dark
I had never been in the place before
So I had difficulty in finding my way about

I met them on an ocean liner several years ago
Coming home from Liverpool to New York
I was an interesting talker
A man who had traveled all over the world
& lived in half a dozen countries
Again & again I called out no reply

Walking slowly down the road I saw a woman accompanied by two children
I saw a woman accompanied by two children walking slowly down the road 

A soldier of unproved valor I was entrusted with the defense of the city
Young & inexperienced I thought the task easy

Although the temperature reaches misery in the daytime
The nights are often chilly

The campaign opened with a series of reverses
At length I thought I might return to the stockade

I picked up the heavy lamp
& began to explore
Another flight of steps
& I emerged on the roof
Without a friend to counsel me
I found the temptation irresistible

I will always remember my first visit to Boston
The breeze served me admirably
Dead leaves covered the ground

The sound of the falls still reaches my ears
Failing health compels me to leave home
I soon repent my words
This region was surveyed in I don’t know when

The army was rapidly mobilized
These reports cannot be confirmed

I usually arrived late
I thought the study of Latin useless then
Now I know better

The women in The Taming of the Shrew are unattractive
Katharine is disagreeable Bianca insignificant

Formerly science was taught by the textbook method
Now it is taught by the laboratory method

Not for charity but simple justice
I loved Caesar less but Rome the more

The sun never sets upon the British flag
The ceremony was both long & tedious

You must either grant my request or incur my ill will
My objections are first that the measure is unjust
Second that it is unconstitutional

In my eye was a look that boded mischief
Not all the members were present

I found only two mistakes
Deceit or treachery I could never forgive

So vast & rude
Fretted by the action
Of nearly three thousand years
A time not for words but for action

Being in a dilapidated condition
I was able to buy the house very cheap
The fragments of its architecture  seem
Like works of nature

Great kings worship at my shrine
Through the middle of the valley flows a winding stream

  On Tuesday evening at eight
I will give in Bailey Hall a lecture titled
"My Experiences in Mesopotamia"
The public is invited

I went to his house yesterday
(My third attempt to see him)
But he had left town I later learned
(& why should I doubt his good faith)
That he is now certain of success

Many of the rooms were poorly ventilated
Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive

I had always wanted to visit Spain
But the roads were almost impassable

At last however I succeeded in reaching camp
However discouraging the prospect I never lost heart

I had fewer men than in the previous campaign
A flood of abuse literally dead with fatigue

The office & salesrooms
are on the ground floor
The rest of the building
 is devoted to manufacturing

I admire his energy
at the same time
I wish it were employed
in a better cause

My books are not worth reading
Once a year I visit the old mansion
