Heavens Wideness in Mercy
Morning has spousal conflict
And now O Father mindful love
Were you there my guardian drop drop
Slow tears at the lamb’s high feast
Servant choirs new name days
Ended O hearts saints are one
Mercy consolation cross glory
To the name that brings salvation
I wake I turn to you O friends
For ever love
Creator of the stars of night
Comes with clouds descending
Impious I love the green blade
The saint who first found grace to pen
Told out loving all hopefulness
Planted day hath made sweet
Just as I am without one plea
How sweet the name of sounds
The golden kindly light abode
Celestial word we look to thee
O my for you I long O
The national anthem love divine
All creatures weep weep no longer
royal banners forward go noblest cities
Merry O faithful life hallowed chosen
Morn of heads mighty gates
Open volume stands stars morning
Days and day the first of days made
Our choirs new anthems raise
Heart begotten
Once in royal life divine
Brightly shines message
One foundation in my/your/our head
Hail the festival day
On this day the first of days
The ceaseless round
Who came from above
Breathes on me
Breath of a thousand tongues
I bind unto myself today
Throned in splendour O come
O come sing word come down to earth
Come raise the anthem
Brightest and best of the morning
Life is done O word of above
Immortal love for ever full
Hand O guided we share a mystic grave
Beyond all mortal praise
Good above all other
We have a gospel to proclaim
Ever singing it is finished
Consolation seeks a comfort sure
Long ago prophets knew mysteries
Of the glorious body telling
We show forth here
We plough the fields
Before the ending of perfect love
Let us join our cheerful songs
Bright the vision that delighted
Sunday collect earth and sea
Collect O glorious maid
The sure foundation is here
Collect O dedication festival
Joy and triumph everlasting
Glory safe kept glory my night
Sun of my soul come thankful people
How broad and far bells peal forth
Mercy pity peace and love
I sing my salvation as the hart
From the eastern mountains
Joyful walking in a garden ever dwelling
Around the throne of witness palms
(O give thanks) All things bright & beautiful
Draw nigh and take the body
Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Enthroned in heavenly splendor
Presence sweet endureth pants
The hart for cooling streams
(Show me your ways)
Still throned in heaven
A land of pure delight and sorrow
Working outcome on bended knee
Survey the wondrous cross O
Sacred sore wounded day draws
Up on high strong to save
These eyes have never seen
Sinless came sure foundation
Who shall sit forth for service
Not friend O the same as now
The sun’s declining rays be with me
Creator of the light highest holiest
Saints on earth
Through all the changing scenes
Morning gilds the skies
O heaven and earth stand up
The growing limbs strong
Son of eternal love
How bright these glorious spirits shine
Harbinger of morn
O word immortal O king
O let the heart beat high
Bread of the world watchers
My soul there is a country
Golden splendor of the north
Clothed in the very thought
Heavens wideness in mercy